Dixons Fazakerley Academy | Year 7 Homework
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Dixons Fazakerley Academy

Year 7 Homework

Homework on Carousel

Click on the relevant links below and enter your full first name and full surname (e.g. John Smith). You complete some practice of the flashcards to revise the key knowledge then complete the test at least once (you have 5 attempts). We expect a pass mark of 80%. Homework is due by 8.30am on the date shown.

Links for week beginning Monday 15 July

English (due Thursday 18 July):

Maths Homework on Sparx (due Friday 19 July) : Use the Username and Password given to you by your maths teacher

Science (due Friday 19 July): https://app.carousel-learning.com/quiz/ccb35b29-5a8b-49b6-9cd4-d9c27302b1d8

French (due Monday 22 July):

Spanish (due Monday 22 July:

Geography (due Tuesday 23 July): https://app.carousel-learning.com/quiz/80484a61-aabd-4d6c-b6e2-7eed837154ab

History (due Tuesday 23 July): https://app.carousel-learning.com/quiz/80484a61-aabd-4d6c-b6e2-7eed837154ab

Links for week beginning Monday 8 July

English (due Thursday 11 July): https://app.carousel-learning.com/quiz/d6606ae2-8019-4391-8ab5-3e8bc3ac8983

Maths Homework on Sparx (due Friday 12 July) : Use the Username and Password given to you by your maths teacher

Science (due Friday 12 July):

French (due Monday 15 July): https://app.carousel-learning.com/quiz/9f54dddb-1056-4fde-8531-45630c738c57

Spanish (due Monday 15 July: https://app.carousel-learning.com/quiz/0e9b6efa-3eb8-4882-b4f0-44c7620a64fe

Geography (due Tuesday 16 July): https://app.carousel-learning.com/quiz/bbfb7b85-6044-4d80-9ae7-9d69dfe4bd4a

History (due Tuesday 16 July):